Monday, 30 April 2012

Should we be afraid of technology?

Should we be afraid of technology? I think asking that question depends who you are. While I have a serious relationship with my Iphone, I wonder should I make more of an effort to drop the phone and make real conversation with somebody in front of me. Have we gotten to the stage yet where social media is the new way of communicating with each other? I am afraid that someday technology will take over. It already has taken manual jobs away from people in the form of computers. For example computers and machines  have completely taken over in most car manufacturers which is nearly like disintermediation! So in a way, cutting out the worker. Computers and machines now have the jobs that men had, assembling car parts and making a vehicle. So at what stage will this end or will it at all? People these days are becoming so consumed by their phones, Ipads and laptops and I will admit I am an Iphone junky! But I have to stop and wonder, are human relationships decreasing because of technology advances? Are businesses becoming more successful because of technology or are we outsourcing a human workforce for machines instead? Maybe there would be a lot more work out in the world if there was less technology in companies. Should we not look after our own race first? This whole idea of hacking and on-line transactions etc, is it really safe to do so? How easy is it for hackers to get our money? Recently my mother was updating the software on her Iphone. In this time a hacker was able to get into her account, take her visa details and subsequently take over a hundred euro from her account.  Hackers have broken through  Itunes which (one of the most successful music downloading sites ever) you would imagine is supposed to be  a  thoroughly secure network, and I'm sure its happened in many occasions. I definitely think we rely on technology too much. I think this can be seen especially in children and today's youth.  For example when doing research for a dissertation recently all I basically had to do was to turn on the computer and hey presto.... there was all the information I needed. Are we really learning from just a computer, or has a computer just made learning too easy. How did students do it fifty years ago? Children for example in primary schools just use calculators and Google everything. Is this learning? I think the old fashioned methods of learning should be brought back into practice. A pen and piece of paper, working out sums, talking to people in person, not through skype or a screen on a desk. So what if it takes longer at least you are positively learning the right way and you then do not need to resort to the internet for things you probably should already know!

My Experience in DKIT

I have to say my experience in DKIT has been a great one. I have made life-long friends and learned so much. Though it has been the longest and toughest four years of my life, I cannot say that I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed myself. Obviously my first year was the most difficult as is for most students, but come second year I really found my feet. For our placement in second year we got to do an amazing work placement in the Sawgrass Marriott Florida. I actually couldn’t believe my luck when the place had been offered to me.  DKIT has thrown me many surprises, most of which were greatly appreciated. I think it is an excellent college with many wonderful lecturers that will go out of their way to help and guide throughout the road that is college.  DKIT has brilliant facilities, clubs and societies that really offer something for everyone.  DKIT is an outstanding college and I would truly recommend it to anyone!
I have to say my blogging experience has been a quick one and something I’m afraid I more than likely will not carry on.  I think it is an excellent idea and I’m sure a great pastime for those who enjoy it, but it is simply not for me.

Bergkirchweih - Beer Festival

The Bergkirchweih is an annual festival that takes place in Erlangen Germany and has been held every year since 1755. It takes places during and after the twelve days of Pentecost.  I have been given the opportunity to go to the beer festival almost every year as my uncle lives there with his family. It is a festival like no other.  The festival itself draws hundreds of thousands of people daily. The German cuisine and beer is absolutely amazing and I have to say it has never let me down. I think the German festivals differ from Irish festivals because in a way they are much more family orientated. The berg (as it is commonly known) is a place where you meet friends, take your family and dog along to enjoy fresh traditional food, music, dance and excellent beer. For as long as I’ve been going to the berg I have never once seen a drunken fight or drunken antics. People consume beer there for the pure pleasure of drinking it and not to get ridiculously drunk. The berg remains my favourite holiday every year as I never come home disappointed. The ambience is always excellent and the locals are always extremely friendly, most of which speak English so there really is no language barriers. One of my favourite parts of the berg is the food. Look away now vegetarians because they cook the most amazing cow on a spit! An entire cow rotating on a spit fire, a perfect barbeque! They even give them names. So to sum up my experience of the Berg and the Beer Festival, it is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lives! 

Mobile Commerce and Wirless Technology

 Mobile Commerce / Wireless Technology
While researching this topic I was quite surprised to find how much technology is taking over in the workplace. Surprisingly I found that Mobile Commerce has many advantages when doing business. Some of which are;

  •       Competitive Pricing
  •       Reaches a wider target audience
  •       Everybody has a mobile, making work accessible to anyone          
  •    It reduces transaction costs
  •        If organisations and public domains have wifi, it means that the usage of internet is essentially free.
Of course there are some limitations when using Mobile Commerce such as;
  •     Graphics may be limited.  
  •      Small screens on mobile devices may limit the viewing of some types of files.          
  •   There is the cost of a wireless broadband structure. It needs to be everywhere, who pays for it?          
  •   Security of mobile phones. They may be hacked, lost or stolen.        
  •    Technology constraints of mobiles. Memory, input methods and data display.
There are so many things that can be done with a mobile phone. Nowadays the list is endless. Business uses for a phone are also never-ending. For example;
  •          Transactions
  •          Passive data capture
  •          Entertainment
  •          Information and 
  •          Communication
Wireless technology is also a vast industry that shows no signs of slowing down. One main industry example I came across is HP Invent.

“Today, with over 165 million mobile professionals worldwide, organizations use wireless
Technologies to solve business problems and create advantages over competitors. HP solutions are enabling remote or mobile workers (such as field sales, field service, manufacturing, and logistics personnel) to access information and business applications from more places”.

“Mobile professionals use this new advantage to work more productively, better satisfy customers, and generate more sales. Users are finding that wireless LANs provide more flexibility to configure an office and can improve both the productivity and the collaboration of office workers. These solutions help HP customers create value for their customers and an advantage over their competitors”.

With Mobile Commerce and Wireless Technologies quickly shaking up the way things are done in businesses. Will there be any need for people at all in the workplace or will our industries be taken over by wireless technologies and mobile phones?


My total Media Exposure/BreakdownWhat is my media exposure? For this topic I tried to decide how much social media I use and when. I broke it down into percentages. As can be seen from my little pie chart I use Facebook as my main means of communication. I have been on Facebook for a number of years now and like it the most as most of my friends and family are on it. I think it is the best way of keeping in contact with people as it is more personal than twitter for example. Twitter then comes second, while I use it more for following celebrities and friends, I think it is quite limited for personal communication as it is completely public. As I am quite new to blogger and LinkedIn, I cannot really give them a proper ranking in my media exposure. Blogger is great for expressing opinions to the world and receiving feedback. LinkedIn is more for professional communication and career opportunities. As I am reaching the end of my college life I think LinkedIn will take over a greater part of my media exposure as it is an excellent way to meet professionals in the workplace.

What is my media exposure?
For this topic I tried to decide how much social media I use and when. I broke it down into percentages.
Facebook 70%
Twitter 30%
Blogger 7%
LinkedIn 3%
As can be seen from above I use Facebook as my main means of communication. I have been on Facebook for a number of years now and like it the most as most of my friends and family are on it. I think it is the best way of keeping in contact with people as it is more personal than twitter for example. Twitter then comes second, while I use it more for following celebrities and friends, I think it is quite limited for personal communication as it is completely public. As I am quite new to blogger and LinkedIn, I cannot really give them a proper ranking in my media exposure.  Blogger is great for expressing opinions to the world and receiving feedback, however only that it is part of an assignment for college I would not use it otherwise. As I have already said, blogger is really about expressing personal opinions and stories, and that is something I am just not into, but I will acknowledge those who take the time out of their day to share with the world. LinkedIn is more for professional communication and career opportunities. As I am reaching the end of my college life I think LinkedIn will take over a greater part of my media exposure as it is an excellent way to meet professionals in the workplace.